plants and medicinal properties |
Botanical Name :- Petroselinum crispum
Indian name :- Prajmoda
Parsely is an erect, biennial or short lived perennial herb
with a fleshy aromatic tap root and dark green shiny leaves.
There are two groups of parsely . One group is with plain leaves
and the other with curled leaves commonly known as moss-curled.
Parsely is a native of Southern Europe. Parsely contains a glucoside
apiin and an an essential oil which contain apiol. The fruits
contain coumarin.
:- Parsely is rich in ascorbic acid and hence is a good
blood cleanser. It increases the secretion and discharge
urine and relieves flatulence. Parsely aids digestion
and helps prevent the formation of gas within the stomach
and intestines. It is one of the most popular remedies
for indigestion. The elements in parsely help to maintain
blood vessels particularly the capillaries and arterial
system in a healthy conditions. It is very useful in high
blood pressure. The herb is an effective remedy for scanty
menstruation. It also assists in the regularization of
the monthly periods. Parsely is a very effective remedy
for bad breath. Boil 2 cups of water with coarsely chopped
parsely sprigs and 2 or 3 whole cloves or a quarter tablespoon
ground cloves. The herb has also proved beneficial in
the treatment of boils. |
Botanical Name :- Ficus religiosa
Indian name :- Peepal
The peepal is one of the best known trees of India. The tree
grows to large proportions. It has a hard, cracked and grayish
white bark and numerous offshoots. The peepal is venerated by
the Hindus and Buddhists. The rishis of yore meditated under
it. The tree is found wild in the forests on the lower slopes
of the Himalayas, Orissa and Central India
:- The bark and leaves of peepal are useful in many common ailments.
Its leaves are laxative and a tonic. They relieve feverish feeling
and produce a feeling of coolness. They are also useful in arresting
secretion or bleeding. The leaves of peepal are used in the
treatment of heart disease. They are infused in water at night
distilled in the next morning and stored in white bottles. About
15 mg of this infusion is administrated trice daily. The leaves
of the tree are useful in constipation It is also effective
in treating dysentery and in bruises and wounds. Peepal leaves
are used in the treatment of mumps also. |
Pomegranate, whose main attraction
has been as a fruit, is now coming in to its own as a modern
medical resource. Ayurveda holds it with great reverence as
a power full wholesome gift of nature against a long list
of human ailments.Medicanal powers of the pomegranate are
mentioned Greek mythology. Chinese mention pomegranate juice
a a longevity drug.
details |
Botanical Name :- Piper nigrum
Indian name :- Kali mirch
Pepper is one of the oldest and most important of all spices.
It is known as the 'king of spices' .Black pepper is the whole
dried fruit, while white is the fruit subjected to the treatment
in water with the mesocrap removed. Both varieties are ground
and used in a powdered form. Pepper is a native of Western Ghats
of India.
:- Black pepper is stimulant, pungent, aromatic, digestive and
nervine tonic. Black pepper is very useful in in relieving flatulence.
Pepper has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and
produces an increased flow of salvia and gastric juices. It
is a good home remedy for digestive disorders. Powdered black
pepper thoroughly mixed with malted jagerry may be taken in
the treatment of such conditions. Pepper is beneficial in the
treatment of cold and fever. A pinch of finely ground pepper
mixed with honey taken twice day is effective in amnesia or
dullness of intellect. Pepper is an effective remedy for cough
caused due to throat irritation. Pepper is useful in pyorrhoea
or pus in the gums. Powdered pepper and salt mixture when massaged
over the gums relieves inflammation.
Botanical Name :- Papaver somniferum
Indian name :- Khas-khas
Poppy plant is a native of Asia. Poppy seeds are founded in
poppy heads. They are recommended in many prescriptions for
tonics. The plant is endowed with roots of strong fragrance.
It is an erect ,annual herb with smooth surface and latex in
all parts. The sap of the plant contains oxalic acid and opium
which has 25 , the chief being morphine, codeine, thelaine,
narcotine, narceine and papaverine.
Properties :- Poppy seeds are effective in thirst, fever, inflammation
and irritation of the stomach. The root is employed as one of
the ingredients in several cooling medicines. The essence of
the root is used as tonic because of its stimulating qualities.
It is an easy to make home remedy for dysentery. About quarter
teaspoon of the powder of poppy seeds are sauted to a golden
brown in honey. It is taken twice daily to relief from the symptoms.
Poppy seeds ground to paste with lime juice are effective when
rubbed on the areas effected by dry itch.
Botanical Name - Boerhaavia diffusa Linn
Indian Name - Punarnava