plants and medicinal properties |
Botanical Name:- Emblica officinalis
Indian Name :- Amla
gooseberry is a small or middle-sized tree. The branches of
the tree appear feathery. The tree has pale green flowers usually
in small dense clusters below the leaves. The fruit has a seed
inside with three angles and three sides. Indian gooseberry
has been used as a valuable ingredient of various medicines
in India and Middle East. In ayurveda it is the best of all
acidi fruits and most useful for health and in treating diseases.
It is valued chiefly for its high Vitamin C content. The Vitamin
C value of amla increases further when the juice is extracted
from the fruit. the dehydrated berry provides 2428 to 3470 mgs
of Vitamin C per 100 gms. |
Indian gooseberry is a wonder herb and one of the precious gift
of nature to man. It contributes greatly towards health and
longevity. Ayurvedic physicians use this herb very commonly
in their medicines and regard it as a medicine for heart and
health problems. The fruit is acrid, cooling, refreshing and
laxative. It increases the volume of urine. The raw fruit is
mild purgative. The flowers of the tree are cooling, refreshing
and mild purgative. Indian gooseberry is beneficial in the treatment
of respiratory disorders. It is especially valuable in tuberculosis
of the lungs. This herb due to its high Vitamin C content is
effective in controlling diabetes. Indian gooseberry is an effective
medicine for heart disease. The juice of Indian gooseberry is
useful in preserving eye sight. It is beneficial to the treatment
of conjunctivitis and glaucoma. Another use of this herb is
the treatment of Rheumatism, Scurvy, Diarrhoea and ageing. Indian
gooseberry is an accepted hair tonic in traditional recipes. |
Botanical Name:- Centella asiatica
Indian Name:- Khulakudi or Brahmamanduki
Pennywort is a perennial wild creeper which grows horizontally
and is small and smooth. It has slight branches and small internodes.
The leaves of the branch are simple or thick ,almost round or
kidney shaped and yellowish green in colour. The fresh leaves
have an aroma due to the presence of an oily matter called vellarine.
The aroma is lost on drying .Indian Pennywort is a native to
Properties:- The Indian Pennywort corrects disordered processes
of nutrition. It's leaves are beneficial in improving memory.
This herb is effective in nervous disorders including nervous
debility. Other uses of Indian Pennywort is in the treatment
of Female sterility, Elephantiasis and skin disorders.
Botanical Name:- Oxalis corniculata
Indian Name :- Amboti-ki-patti
Indian sorrel is a small, hairy, annual herb. The stem of the
plant is very thin, delicate, very thin and smooth. It has pale
green compound leaves. The herb is native to India. It grows
wild during monsoon and on wet grounds. The flowers of the plant
are sour due to a high content of oxalic acid and potassium
oxalate. The herb is rich in vitamin B1, iron and calcium. the
leaves of this herb contain a small amount of cellulose.
Properties:- The leaves are acrid, bitter and mildly astringent.
It has a predominantly acid taste. This leaves have a cooling
effect and act as an appetizer. The leaves are useful in relieving
symptoms of fever. An infusion of the leaves can bring temperature
down. The leaves of this herb are useful in the prevention and
treatment of scurvy . It is a deficiency caused by lack of vitamin
C. Fresh leaves of the plant are useful in stimulating the stomach
and aiding its action. The herb is beneficial in the treatment
of jaundice. A tablespoon of fresh juice mixed with butter-milk
made of cow's milk can be taken once daily in the treatment
of this disease. Other uses of this herbs are skin disorders,
eye disorders, insomnia and excessive thirst.