plants and medicinal properties |
Botanical Name :- Allium Sativum
Indian Name :- Lahsoon
is an stiff herb of the onion family, normally grown as
an annual .It has irregular roots, condensed, flattenrd
stem and narrow flat leaves. Garlic has been highly valued
for centuries all over the world for its health building
qualities. Garlic is believed to have a native of Central
Asia. It is continues to be one of the staple spices of
the Chinese diet till today. Its minerals and vitamin
contains are calcium, phosphorus, iron, niacin and vitamin
C. It also contains traces of iodine, sulphur compounds.
They also contain antiseptic and hypotensive or causing
low blood pressure principles-allicin, allisatin I and
allisatin II. |
:- Garlic is a herbal medicine which has been traditionally
used for asthma. deafness, leprosy, bronchial congestion , worms
and liver and gall bladder trouble. Garlic is good for heart
disease. It is useful for leucoderma, leprosy, piles, worms,
catarrhal disorders, asthma and cough. Garlic is useful in the
treatment of tuberculosis. In ayurveda, a decoction of garlic
boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis.
Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk, can be used every night
with excellent results in asthma. Other uses of Garlic is the
treatment of digestive disorders, high blood pressure, Rheumatism,
Heart attack, cancer, whooping cough and skin disorders. |
Botanical Name:- Zingiber officinale
Indian Name :- Adrak
is a perennial herb, with underground branching stems
which are swollen and tough. The leaves and rhizomes of
ginger have a characteristic fragrance when cut or bruised.
There are numerous reference to ginger in Sanskrit literature
and Chines medical treatises. The Sanskrit name of ginger
is Singabera . Ginger has been used as a medicine in India
from vedic period and is called maha-aushadhi, it means
a great medicine. The physicians of ayurveda considered
this as a carminative or anti-flatulent. Ginger is believed
to have originated in India and was introduced in China
at very early date. An analysis of fresh fresh ginger
shows it to contain moisture 80.9 per cent, protein 2.3
per cent, fat 0.9 per cent, minerals 1.2 per cent, fibre
2.4 per cent and carbohydrates 12.3 per cent per 100 grms.
is a perennial herb, with underground branching stems which
are swollen and tough. The leaves and rhizomes of ginger have
a characteristic fragrance when cut or bruised. There are numerous
reference to ginger in Sanskrit literature and Chines medical
treatises. The Sanskrit name of ginger is Singabera . Ginger
has been used as a medicine in India from vedic period and is
called maha-aushadhi, it means a great medicine. The physicians
of ayurveda considered this as a carminative or anti-flatulent.
Ginger is believed to have originated in India and was introduced
in China at very early date. An analysis of fresh fresh ginger
shows it to contain moisture 80.9 per cent, protein 2.3 per
cent, fat 0.9 per cent, minerals 1.2 per cent, fibre 2.4 per
cent and carbohydrates 12.3 per cent per 100 grms. |
:- Ginger is widely used in local medicine in India. It is used
internally as a stimulating an d carminative and is used externally
as a rubefacient that is, counter-irritant for relief of muscular
pain. Ginger is useful in the treatment of flatulence, colic,
vomiting, spasms and other painful affections of the stomach.
This herb is an excellent remedy for coughs and colds. A teaspoon
of fresh ginger juice is mixed with a cup of fenugreek decoction
and honey is a mixer which is used for fever and influenza.
Half teaspoon of fresh ginger juice mixed with fresh lime and
mint juices and a tablespoon of honey is an effective medicine
for dyspepsia, nausea and vomiting. Other uses of this herbs
are respiratory disorders, impotency, menstrual disorders, aches
and pains. Ginger is available in two forms fresh and dried,
both forms are effective. |