plants and medicinal properties |
Botanical Name :- Taraxacum officinale
Indian Name :- Kukraundha or Kanphool
Dandelion is a hardly perennial herb and a tasty salad vegetable
The flower stems of this plant grows up to a height of 30 cm.
The sharply-toothed leaves from flat rosettes on the ground..
The common name dandelion comes from the French dent de lion,
meaning lion's tooth and refers to the dentate leaf edges. A
very common plant ,dandelion grows wild almost everywhere. Dandelion
is a native of Europe. In India it is found through Himalayas.
Nutritionally, the dandelion has remarkable value. It contains
almost as much iron as spinach, four times a Vitamin A content.
An analysis of dandelion shows it to consist of protein, fat
and carbohydrates. Its mineral and Vitamin contents are calcium,
phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium, Vitamin A and C. Its calorific
value is 45.
The entire herbal plant is used by many herbalist, although
the tea is usually brewed from its root, which are a tonic.
It increases the secretion and discharge of urine and acts as
a mild purgative. The juice of this herb is every effective
for bone disorders. Dandelion benefits both liver and gall bladder
in their vital role of handling fats within the body and aiding
the detoxifying role of the liver. It is useful in the disorder
of these organs. Dandelion can be used as a general body tonic
for its influence in supporting waste function of bowels, bladder
and skin . Dandelion is useful in the treatment of warts also. |
Botanical Name :- Datura stramonium
Indian Name :- Dhatura
is a bushy plant growing up to one metre in height. It
has large egg-shaped leaves, very large white flowers
and egg-shaped fruits covered with prickles. Datura is
referred to in ancient Indian literature as shivashekherea
because the flowers are believed to be associated with
Lord Siva. It was known to be ancient Hindu physicians
.They find the drug as an intoxicant, with emetic , digestive
and healing powers. Smoking for datura seeds as a treatment
for asthma was known during the Vedic period. Datura is
indigenous to India. The leaves of the plant contain alkaloids. |
Properties:-The dried leaves and seeds of datura are used as
antispasmodic under critical conditions of asthma and whooping
cough. This is mainly used for British and United States. Datura
possesses properties analogous to those of belladonna. It counteracts
spasmodic disorders and induces deep sleep. Datura herb is very
useful in asthma, when the smoke from the burning leaves are
inhaled. The leaves rolled like cigarettes can be smoked to
relieve from asthmatic attacks. Datura fruit is a specific remedy
for phlegmatic and bilious type of malarial fever. Other uses
of this herb is in heart disorders, earache, baldness, problem
of breast milk secretion.
Botanical Name:- Anethum Sowa
Indian Name :- Sowa
is an annual or biennial herb. It has smooth surface ,
finely dissected leaves, small yellow flowers and elliptic,
flattened fruits. The single stalks grow to a height of
1 meter. Dill is native to the Mediteranean region, South
Raussia and Scandinavia. It has been in the cultivation
for more than 2,000 yrs. and is now grown widely in Asia
minor, North Africa, India and in all other countries.
An analysis of of Indian dill shows |
Properties :- Dill leaves are stimulant. They are useful in
increasing secretion and discharge of urine and in counteracting
spasmodic disorders. They are a soothing medicine and help to
improve the functioning of the stomach. This herb is used regularly
to avoid digestion and prevents constipation. This herb is specially
useful for children. Dill oil obtained by the distillation of
the seeds , is also an effective medicine for hyperacidity,
flatulent colic, hiccup and diarrhoea due to indigestion. Dill
is useful in stimulating and regulating menstrual flow. It is
effective in spasmodic menstrual pain in girls and absence of
menstruation due to anemia.