Names of
Lation Punica Granatum Sanskrit Daadima Malayalam Thalimathalam Telugu Daanimma Kannada Daalimbe Urdu Anar

of its many seeds, the Pomegranate has long stood as a symbol
for fertility. A refreshing delicacy ,it is loved by those
who dwell in hot, thirsty lands. The plant grows wild in Syria
and Persia and is cultivated in Israel where 3,000 tons a
year and grown annually. It is a shrub or small tree that
can grow as high as fifteen feet, with a straight stem reddish
bark and plenty of spreading branches. The dark green leaves
are highly polished and the pomegranate flowers are red. When
ripe, the fruit is about the size of an orange, has a thick
maroon jacket enveloping the pulp. Presently good quality
pomegranate comes from Turkey, Iran, Afganistan Syria, Morocco
and Spain. In India, Sholapur is famous for juicy pom \ egranate
fruit known as Anar In Turkey, Pomegranates are served during
important feasts.
the Lipid Research Laboratory of Haifa's Rambam Medical Canter,
Dr.Michael Aviram, has researched ways to prevent and break
down the deposits of cholesterol in the arteries___arteriosclerosis___that
cause strokes and heart disease. Searching for natural antioxidants,
he says he tested "many different substances before focusing
on the Pom egranate ".Its juice, he found contains a
particularly powerful antioxidant, a flavonid, affective at
fighting heart diseases.
researchers have found that patients likely to be posted for
coronary bi-pass surgery can be saved to a great extent simply
for drinking pomegranate juice. The primary Dr.Ephraim
Lansky of University of Pennsylvania - trained physician,
with a doctorate in psychology and biology, a qualified homeopathic
physician and acupuncturist is currently marketing Cardiogranite;
a juice concentrate which he says combats high cholesterol.
He is also developing a cosmetic line of anti - aging creams,
massage oils, masks and toners, using oestrogen - rich extractions
from Pomegranate seeds and peel. As a practicing homeopathic
professional, he prescribes pomegranate juice for fever and
gives it to menopausal women for hot flashesHe suggests that
research man prove the pomegranate is a virtual cure - all.
Its juice, flash, and even its skin he believes, contain properties
to counter not only cholesterol, but aging, and perhaps even
cancer and AIDS, as well…! |
to the folk of modern world appears to be packs of chemicals made
by one and prescribed by another to be taken by the suffer. But,
the ancient wisdom off all countries prior to the dawn of science
and technological advances maintained the tradition of keeping
diseases away by consuming the right food, predominantly from
the green world. They identified fruits, as pleasant to eat food
that worked both at preventive as well as curative levels and
saved man from diseases or the havoc could cause.
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whose main attraction has been as a fruit, is now coming in to its
own as a modern medical resource. Ayurveda holds it with great reverence
as a power full wholesome gift of nature against a long list of
human ailments.Medicanal powers of the pomegranate are mentioned
Greek mythology. Chinese mention pomegranate juice a a longevity
to Ayurveda, sweet pomegranate is Tridohaghnam.It checks
thirst, burning sensation, and fevers. It is also useful in the
treatment of diseases of the heart, throat and mouth. It is light,
nutritious and an aphrodisiac .It has an auxiliary taste of astringency
and is a consistrictor. It is oily (Singdham). It improves intellect
and strength.Pomegrante
which is acidic and sour, improves appetite, and taste. It is light
and slightly increases Pitta. Pomegranate which is purly acid creates
pitta and checks Amavaatha and Kapha